Art Program
Students in grades K through 12 receive weekly art instruction. Lessons focus upon the elements of art and art history emphasizing the role of beauty in helping us to know more of our Creator God.
Music instruction provides a background in music history and theory. It also includes vocal training as well as fundamental instrumental instruction using recorders and other instruments.
Guardian sports teams have enjoyed great success in our athletic program. From our soccer championships to our developing volleyball and basketball programs, athletics contribute greatly to student life. We believe that competitive sports play an integral role in developing a positive school culture and developing good character in our students. Participating in athletics helps students learn how to win and lose graciously, and how to put others first for the good of the team, demonstrating a strong witness for the Lord while representing our school in competitive sports.

Field Trips & Europe Tour
Ellis Island, Fort McHenry, Gettysburg, Williamsburg, the National Aquarium and the Walters Art Museum are just a few of the many field trips our students enjoy. The opportunity to visit and experience what is studied in our curriculum provides a valuable, enriching experience for our students. Field trips are an integral part of our students’ program that provide fellowship and class memories as well as academic enrichment.
Our culminating field trip is an educational tour of several cities in Europe. Students enjoy learning about the historical background of London, Paris, Rome, and other cities as they visit landmarks in the seat of Western civilization.
Social Events
Fun social activities are an essential component of our school. Spirit Week, Homecoming activities, and Field Day are eagerly anticipated by all of our students. We also host several dances for students in grades 7 through 12, adding instruction in traditional dances such as the waltz, swing dance, and the fox trot to enhance the fun.
An annual production presented by grades 7 through 12 is a highlight for our school community. Recent productions include The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Jane Austen’s Emma and a collection of Shakespearean vignettes. Our first performance of a musical, Beauty and the Beast, played to sell-out audiences.